$18 Million in New Markets Tax Credit Financing

The Salvation Army Of Greater Cleveland: "The Cleveland Plan”

The Salvation Army Serves Communties During Times of Crisis

The Cleveland Plan Community Development Project

The Salvation Army is known for integrity. In today’s world, this is an immeasurable value, particularly when related to children’s programs. Many are introduced to The Salvation Army during a time of crisis such as hunger, joblessness, homelessness, and chemical dependency. While The Salvation Army helps to meet these immediate needs, they also provide a wide array of wrap-around programs such as tutoring, job training, mentoring, counseling, camps as well as other community-driven activities.

Cleveland is a city of over 396,000 people, 89,000 families and 97,000 children and youth. More than 35 percent of the population lives below the poverty level. The majority of these people need or currently rely on services provided by The Salvation Army. In recent years, two of The Salvation Army’s centers in Cleveland have reached maximum capacity and as a result have been unable to fully meet the growing demand for help. Expansions are required for these centers to evolve with their neighborhoods to offer expanded services or introduce new programs to meet an unmet demand in their neighborhoods.

In 2012 The Salvation Army of Greater Cleveland embarked on a major enhancement of its mission of ministering to the physical, spiritual educational and emotional needs to the communities they serve.

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Empowering Illinois: CDF's $1 Million Investment in Job Creation and Food Supply

The comprehensive program planning study identified the following facilities in the direst need of additional programming:

  • Temple Corps: Construct new, expanded center on The Salvation Army owned property adjacent to current facility that will house a choice food pantry, after-school tutoring, music and arts program, day camp, and community recreation programs.
  • West Park Corps: Expand first floor of current building, add second floor, and renovate existing space to accommodate expansion that will consist of a food pantry, a hot meal delivery program, senior center, after-school tutoring, and music and arts programs. (2+ new jobs)
  • Zelma George Emergency Family Shelter: Construct a new family shelter on The Salvation Army owned property adjacent to the current facility to house both homeless families and adult human trafficking victims, create a safe outdoor play area for children and expand program services to include educational programs, substance abuse and mental health counseling, also allowing the current facility to renovate areas and expand programs in the space vacated by the family shelter (12 new jobs)
  • East Cleveland Corps: East Cleveland is the poorest city in the state and borders the Cleveland city limits. The Salvation Army is relocating a corps from within the city of Cleveland to East Cleveland. Financing will establish a new facility on land adjacent to a public transit station that will offer utility assistance, a senior center, a choice food pantry, after school tutoring, music and arts programs, and community recreation programs (12 new jobs)