NMTC program investors make investments in companies known as Community Development Entities (CDEs) that in turn make loans to businesses in low-income communities. The intent of the program is to spur positive economic revitalization in these areas.
A CBO Financial Subsidiary, Community Development Funding, LLC was one of only 66 groups to receive New Markets Tax Credit allocation in Round 1 in 2003, and one of 62 groups to receive an allocation in Round 2 – one of only 10 organizations to receive both 1st and 2nd round allocations. Since then, the CBO team has gone on to secure additional allocations for our own CDE, and assisted numerous clients with establishing CDEs and successfully applying for a direct New Markets Tax Credit allocation award. The New Markets Tax Credit program create benefits to tax credit investors, businesses that need capital, and state and local government and economic development authorities seeking to improve low income communities.